2018 Women in Business Workshops
- October 22, 2018
- Posted by: Visions North
- Category: From the Archive

**This is an old article that was originally posted in 2018 and may have outdated information**
12th Annual Women in Business Workshops
Another year and another Women in Business series of workshops done. We plan all year for this for the last 12 years and it seems like in a blink of an eye it is over. We get to hear from inspiring speakers that motivate us and make us think and give us valuable tools that we can use not just in business but in our everyday lives.
This year’s workshops kicked off with Samantha King, Mompreneur, whose workshop was on goal setting. More specifically it was how to get from point A to point Z in setting your goals and how you intend to get there. She informed the participants to really focus on every detail and not just the big picture items. It was especially important when it came to time management and how to balance your goal ideas with your everyday life demands of family and career.
Samantha was followed by Digital Marketing specialist, Katrina German. Katrina presented a series of tools that were designed to help us work smarter not harder. Like Samantha, Katrina acknowledged that finding time to properly execute tasks like Social Media marketing can seem so overwhelming that you sometimes avoid doing it because of time commitments. Katrina was able to unveil some scheduling tools that would enable people to post on sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram at various times while setting those posts up on a schedule ahead of time.
After a quick lunch break Tammy Leonard gave an inspirational talk about changing your mind set and believing you are worthy of the good things that can happen in your life and that your contributions were just as valuable as anyone else’s.
Finally Jenn Lusby of the Prince’s Trust, out of Winnipeg, spoke about the importance of Emotional Quotient (EQ) versus Intelligence Quotient (IQ). She pointed out that successful leaders were not only smart but had empathetic leadership skills that made them successful. They showed that they genuinely cared about their employees, partners and clients and that they were the kind of leaders that people wanted to work with.
Of course the day would not have been successful without the work and contributions of our staff and volunteers. Our Board members, Tanya Nateyewes and Julianna Ballantyne helped out on registration and kitchen duties along with staff member Ariel (Kenny) Rodriguez. Our chairperson Bruce Fidler helped draw names for our door prizes. Loans analyst Gerald DesRoches was kept busy helping transport guest speakers from airport, hotel and workshop facilities. Raeann Fisher and Linda Hyrniuk greeted our 65 participants and helped them register.
Tabitha Burr was our very capable and professional host and emcee who displayed enthusiasm for each speaker and for the day in general.
Of course none of this day would have been possible without the support of our sponsors. These were the Community Initiatives Fund (CIF), The Saskatchewan Entrepreneurs with Disabilities program via the Saskatchewan Community Futures Association, Lac La Ronge Indian Band-Econ Dev Department, SaskTel, EPR accountants, Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan, Transwest Air, Clarence Campeau Development Fund, Square One, Saskatchewan Indian Equity Fund (SIEF) Nortep/Nor Pac, Government of Saskatchewan and the Coronet Hotel of Prince Albert.
Thank yous are in order to our participants. It is always nice to catch up with those participants who have supported this workshop series since its inception but also gratifying to the new faces we saw this year.
Finally a very big thank you to the annual organizer of the event, Jean Powell. Without her contribution this would not have taken place.